Metallic capillary atom source for cross beam collision study 用于交叉碰撞实验的金属毛细管式中性原子源
Research on cross beam experiment system based on discrete nonlinear pid control 控制的十字梁实验系统研究
Crossed beam technique 化学加速器交叉束技术
The crack analysis and repair method of cross beams in steel constructed factory buildings 钢结构厂房横梁开裂分析与修复
Development of a paint - dipping line for cross beams of speed - elevated freight car bogies 浅谈提速货车转向架交叉杆浸漆生产线
Cross beam gusset plate 横梁节点板
Study on neural network fast extreme seeking algorithms for jet cross beam system 利用神经网络快速极值搜索算法研究微喷十字梁系统
Cross beam bracing 横梁联接系
Research on solving cracks on bottom cross beam of 30000 t water hydraulic press and its removal 三万吨水压力机下横梁裂纹处理的研究与消除
Pierre took hold of the cross beam , tugged , and with a crash wrenched the oak frame out . all out , or theyll think im holding on , said dolohov 皮埃尔抓住横木,拖了拖,像木制的窗框喀嚓喀嚓地响,有的地方被他弄断了,有的地方被扭脱了。